Emergency Contacts

  • It may be necessary on occasion for the District to contact parents, students, or staff with an important message. From weather-related announcements and schedule changes to warnings of extreme emergencies or crisis situations, our district will use the Blackboard Connect notification system to contact thousands of parents, students, and staff members securely within minutes.

    The Blackboard Connect notification system is used to send automated messages when school is closed or after-school and evening activities are canceled due to severe weather conditions or emergency situations and when information needs to be relayed to parents, guardians, and other caretakers.

    How Does it Work?

    Blackboard Connect allows a school administrator to immediately reach all school families and personnel with a single phone call, text message, and/or email.  In order to receive text messages and email communications, the appropriate contact information must be recorded in our information system.

    In non-emergency situations, the calling system will dial only the primary contact number, which is generally the home phone. In emergency situations, the calling system will dial up to four numbers, including the primary contact mobile phone, as well as the secondary contact home and mobile phone. The message will play twice, so you can hear it again if needed. It will also record to voice mail or an answering machine. 

    Update Your Contact Information

    In order to ensure that important messages reach you, it is important that you maintain updated contact information with our school and district offices. If you find that you are not receiving messages, please contact your school office secretary to verify that your contact information is correctly recorded in our system.